All are in the spot light, rather we want to be or not.

    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts." William Shakespeare
    Have you ever thought yourself as a player in a bigger picture? Most do not but other's look at your life and read you like they are reading a novel some of them their minds more on a cheap novel, Either way we play a part each day in someone else's life. It may make a good influence on them or a bad depending on how react to any given situation. These days people are overly sensitive and it makes that stage a whole lot harder to live with.
    Each man, woman or child steps into the life of someone else each day. As a child you play that role to a father, mother or grandparent that cares for them. The act as a child and play as a child and love only a child kind n that of a pure and simple child like, that we forget as we get older. We become teens and think of course we know everything, I wish I knew as much as most teens think they know now, I would have money and riches beyond belief. I could retire early and live the rest on that of God's grace and enjoy life. Don't get me wrong there are good kids out there and have good heads on their shoulders and should be given a chance to prove themselves. Then there is when we get into trouble were old enough to know what love is ,but to young to understand its meaning. Love isn't something you go and find get married and decide if you can't get along  and say , Hey, we can always get a divorce if it doesn't work out. There are more affected by it than the two parties, Most often their are families, children involved. When the marriage falls apart so does the family and the children with them. Then we become middle aged and wonder what happened to our children and where did they go and now what are we going to do with the rest of our lives. We spend their growing up years teaching them and loving them that a part of us goes with them from the time they are born and through their life. Our spouse wonders what happened to us, being good parents mean sacrifice but then we are starting over again with an empty nest that we haven't had for eighteen to twenty years. Our parents are becoming older rather we see it or not or want to see it. We still see them as they were when were kids and living at home.
    Isn't it strange how we see each other? I still see my twenty one year old as my little boy , my husband looks the same to me as the day I married him and my parents have never aged but yet I feel like I am ninety. By the time I get to my golden years my gold will be spent along with my body. What we give back in this life in the end is all that matters, What we do and how we see it and we live it is up to us and what we will be remembered by long after we are gone. The stage is set and the action begins and act four has well begun. This is it our time in the spot light. God says our life is but a vapor and soon passes away.
    A eulogy that I heard from my husbands cousins funeral put it into perspective of how short our life truly is. Compared to eternity our life time is compared to three seconds, Three. One, Two, Three. and it is time to exit.
God Bless


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