Beauty that is often missed

  "The most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller.
   How true is this? If were unable to see the beauty and could only see with the heart what a much better place it would be. Being taught as a child that we aren't to judge others by appearance or character I remain guilty from time to time. Those of us who, lets say are pleasingly healthy from what we devour are looked upon as outcasts at times. Not only that but we judge ourselves by our appearance.
    The quote "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," was wrong. Words do hurt and often times cripple us. Not only others but the way we think of ourselves. I have heard words of others  that were said to me and others that I know, that are hurtful even though they aren't meant to be, and others are just plain destructive. How often I have heard, the girl with the pretty face, I wasn't always the size person I am now and I wish I wasn't. But looking at me I am sill the same person and the same girl that liked to go to amusement parks, dances and pretty clothes. These days I have to compromise as clothes go. Who ever told the designers that full figured and heavy women wanted to wear big bold flowers and dresses that look like tents should have their head examined. We don't want to stand out, we want to blend in and be like everyone else.
    I have often thought how right it is that God in his mercy looks upon the human heart and not the outside appearance. To him we are all wonderfully made, which means we are exactly the way he wants us. Now can we make ourselves miserable? Of course we can and often do. It's human nature to want something better, but we stop and look at the beauty and who others are and who we are our minds would change and we would closer to how God looks at us instead of how the world views us. Before you speak or make a judgement, stop and think. Are you as ready to be judged as you are to judge others.
 The best thins in this life can not be seen or touched, it is how much you love and care about someone else in your life that is going to count the most.
God Bless


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