What would you do if you were not afraid?

     It was a school assignment that caused me to step out in faith of something that I have always wanted to do. A simple lesson on bullying was something that I took to heart. A young man that had become a motivational speaker that looked like he was in his early twenties inspired me to do something that was outside my comfort zone.
    He stood before a crowd of high school and college students and asked the simple question, "What would do if you were not afraid?" That had me thinking, what would be the worst thing that could happen if you did this? The worst thing that came to mind was that all any one could say was no. No one likes to be rejected but then God is in control of everything in our life and every pursuit. Why should we worry? We have no control of what happens any more than how the wind blows. We can't get in our own way instead of letting God have the control.
    Letting God take the wheel is the best thing that anyone can do. Besides he has the road map. What better navigator could you get ? Today from a child that was not expected to survive back in 62. I was born two months to the day early and it was almost unheard of to survive. The incubator effected my sight so that I only have one good eye and yet I went to college and graduated with a degree in nursing, not once but twice. I have been working on a Bachelors degree and I am not sure when I will finish it or if I will but God does. On top of it I am now a published writer. I had wanted to go into journalism when I was in high school but with a small town of 7,000 people there would be no jobs in it. I would have to leave and go to a big city. That was the draw back for me, I was an only child and had been sheltered all my life.
    Being and adult and serving the public for nearly thirty years and a daughter of a king for almost twenty-three I have seen and learned a lot more about the human spirit than I ever thought was possible. Think on this when you get discouraged "What would you do if you were not afraid?' God never intended on any of us to live in fear, so why do we? Romans tells us Let not your heart be troubled , ye believe in God, believe also in me. God has a plan for each of us if we will let him do the navigation.


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