Broken Shells...

    For those of you who know I have written a book may not know what it is about. I wrote the book because of the abuse and the affects of it in my friends and family along with some of my patent's over the last thirty years. It's hard to look at without it making you ill. The one that had hit me the hardest was when I was sixteen. One of the best friends I ever had suffered through abuse in his young life along with his sister. We were sitting on a railroad tie where we attended trade school. I hadn't noticed before then until I looked down an had held his hand when I happened to see the scarred areas on his wrists. When I asked him what had happened he had pulled his hand back toward him. When he told me his story it killed me inside. He was hard to get to know and now I knew why. He had been physically and mentally abused before he was adopted into another family. He had lived through his sister being sexually assaulted  and trying to protect her. Both of them I'm sure still carry scares from that time in their life.
    When you think of abuse , physical, mental or sexual you tend to think of women and not young men. Abuse doesn't just affect women. It crosses all religions, races and cultures. It comes from all backgrounds and status and spans all ages. Abusers seek out the weak as their prey. Most of the time the abuser is someone that is known.
    Research reflects that one in three women have been sexually abused by the time they are 18 years old. The estimate I found while researching is 50%  and men are close behind. Another area stated that one in three women and one in sex men have been abused to some point in their lifetime, so that being said if you sat down in a room with your friends and family or your church family 1 of every three women you see and 1 in six of the men have been affected.
     Statistics reflected on one research site that ever two minutes  someone in the United States is sexually assaulted  It  averaged 207,754 each year, 54% are never reported and 97% of the those who committed the act will never serve sentence. Thirty-eight percent of the offender are a friend or acquaintance.
    If you know someone that has been abused be patient with them, help them to identify and share their emotions. Often times there is guilt that is accompanied by an attack. The person will blame themselves , They can't process the emotions they are having help them to understand that it isn't their fault and to put the blame where it rightfully belongs. Allow them to grieve , it may be the loss of a marriage , innocence, friends or their childhood. Healing from abuse is a long  process, having someone who has survived it may be the best person for them to talk to but be open.
    The effects of abuse in men is normally substance abuse, others that are survivors may suffer from depression, post traumatic stress, physical health problems  which include fibromyalgia, severe premenstrual syndrome and chronic headaches and others with eating disorders.
    God promises us rest from all our worries of day to day life along with our struggles. One of his best is ,Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  Matthew 11: 28-29
God Bless


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