Tomorrow is a new Day
"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." Eleanor Roosevelt Wise lady, no matter how bad a day gets, tomorrow brings the promise of a renewed life. It doesn't matter what goes on in your life today but you can try to change tomorrow with what has made you the person you are. Today will soon be gone and tomorrow you can't change no matter much you would like to. For those that suffer from abuse can't see beyond the grief that has been thrown upon them, it lies on them like a thick heavy blanket not allow them to move on. The pain and shame that comes from abuse, rather it is mental, sexual or physical. It leaves behind pieces of shattered lives that aren't easily put back together. Trust is broken with essentially most people. It leads to self-destructive behavior such as self-inflicted pain, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, anxiety, panic disorder and suicide attempts. One in three women are affected and one in six men. That is staggerin...