Mirror Mirror

      Looking into the mirror what do you see? Do you see who you are or a mere reflection of what you want to see? Snow White's stepmother seen what the mirror told her only. Looking into a mirror she found the reflection of a woman that wanted something she could not have. The beauty that her daughter possessed was something she would never have because of the evil that lived in her heart.
     Do we give off a reflection to others as a false image or do we reveal who we truly are? There are times when most hide behind a reflection of what they think the world wants to see or only what they want to be seen by others. A false image is often seen on most people. That goes for family as well. It's sad when you think of it, especially when you grow up in a generation that family meant everything because that was all that you had. That reflection is left to their children and they learn from it. When the next generations sees what happens they no longer have any interest in family other than their immediate and in some circles they don't look at that as important.
      It has been said many times that you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. Sometimes you wish you could. When hurt comes from family it runs deeper and is rarely healed. I see it in my own family, something I thought would never happen. Not just on one person or one side of the family. Its is on both sides. Now it comes down to the point I guess the only time a family will get together is when there is a death. Then that may end up being a challenge.
     Born as an only child I use to think I was cheated. When I see how families operate in most situations anymore I'm glad I never had siblings. I don't have to worry about what they think of me and neither do I have to worry about a fight that may take place over things that never had relevance. I see it in my job, on the street and in my own family. Sad isn't it? Think of what your family was like when you were growing up. Were they happy together or were they constantly doing or saying something to hurt someone else?
      Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Is my family dysfunctional or am I the one that has caused the fall?


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