
Showing posts from September, 2013

A Journey Starts at the Beginning

     Over a year ago I sat down in a cabin in Tennessee during our vacation, and on that trip to the beautiful mountain cabin I took my family , a laptop and 2 season of show I had not heard of before a month before we left. In the evenings after a day of walking to mother's nature's falls, which were beautiful by the way, and praying I would not be eaten by a bear, we would come back to out little rented sanctuary.      After a very heart bearing talk with my sweetheart of almost twenty three years, I told him of what I had in mind. The answer came as "What ever you want to do." Of course I think that he thought it would go no further. While he, my son and daughter-in-law to be to be sat watching the Reds ballgame I settled in the bedroom and took my T.V. Series  and watched an episode of the television show I fell with during a power outage in Southern Ohio that reached into West Virginia. The Vampire Diaries had been on two seasons and wa...       Want to see the first chapter of my premiere book? Follow the link above to see Standing in the Eye of the Storm. This is the edited published version. Hope you enjoy it and let others know. It is now available at, Barnes and Noble and Xlibris. You can also get a copy from your local book store. If you read it and love it please review it. Thanks everyone for your support. Thank You and God Bless Teresa

Unedited Chapter 1 of Stilling the Thunder sequel to Standing in the Eye of the Storm

Chapter 1 The day was cold not to mention the fine mist of rain that fell. Sitting there among family I felt numb, the pain dwelled in my heart was beyond anything that I had ever felt. I was oblivious to everything that surrounded me except for the flag draped casket that lay before me. The piercing sound of the gun salute was the only thing that had caused a reaction from me. Grayson sat with his arm around me as did my own father but I had little thought of anyone supporting me. I felt desperately alone and troubled without any chance of anything being normal again. Molly sat on my lap unmoving with her blanket wrapped around her. Her long dark hair flowed down her back in rings of curls. With her thumb in her mouth she clung to me and I to her. The child I carried and Molly were my only solace, they were the only part of him I had left, I hadn’t even cried, I couldn’t. I had promised him to take care of the lives entrusted to me. They were precious to him and if I didn...

Getting to know me

     A few months ago most people unless they were family or friends had no idea who I was. Well for those of you who just started following me on blogger, Twitter, Facebook or my site at WordPress. you are about to hear a little about me.     I am a Critical Care Nurse in a small rural hospital in Southern Ohio. I started in nursing around 30 years ago. That is a long time when you start as a teen still in high school. It is part of who I am, I have been a care giver since I was 16. Believe I have seen some strange and unusual things. Things that most people would never think of.       While was going to school for nursing I also took extra time in my English class as a junior in high school to write short stories and poetry. There were few people that saw them or had opportunity to read them. I think I had one boyfriend that read most of them and a high school English teacher that would take them home with her on weekends a...

Theme from "Ice Castles" : "Through the Eyes of Love"


Chapter 4 from Standing in the Eye of the Storm    Follow the link and get a peak at my first Novel Standing in the Eye of the Storm. Happy reading.

Walking through the Fog with no Fog Lights

     Catchy huh? Not exactly meant to be amusing. My topics have been based on the same line and I intend on doing them. Abuse is not pretty and neither are the facts on it. There are a lot of storms people go through and most are lucky enough to avoid them, but there are others out there that deal with them on a daily basis. Are you one of them?     None of us live in the perfect world although some think they do. They are just kidding themselves that abuse will never happen in my family. How do you know? Someone may already have been. Victims of abuse aren't outspoken and neither are those that chose to abuse them. It's a don't tell situation for both. It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are. Victims are in all socioeconomic and age groups and is not discriminatory. If you can't see what's coming then the fog of the storm has overtaken you. Put on some Fog lights and fight your way out.      Abuse can start out slow or ...

Mirror Mirror

      Looking into the mirror what do you see? Do you see who you are or a mere reflection of what you want to see? Snow White's stepmother seen what the mirror told her only. Looking into a mirror she found the reflection of a woman that wanted something she could not have. The beauty that her daughter possessed was something she would never have because of the evil that lived in her heart.      Do we give off a reflection to others as a false image or do we reveal who we truly are? There are times when most hide behind a reflection of what they think the world wants to see or only what they want to be seen by others. A false image is often seen on most people. That goes for family as well. It's sad when you think of it, especially when you grow up in a generation that family meant everything because that was all that you had. That reflection is left to their children and they learn from it. When the next generations sees what happens they ...

Dorothy's Ruby Slippers

Have you ever stopped to think of the power or the uncomfortable feel the ruby slippers must have given to Dorothy as she made her way to OZ? As most women I love shoes, if there is a shoe store with in ten feet of me I can smell it. I love shoes, even my son when he was a little boy loved for me to take him to get shoes. But have you ever set your feet into a pair of shoes that you loved but found they were uncomfortable, they were just to tight? Well think of it this way, Dorothy received the beautiful shoes she wore because of someone else's demise. They were beautiful yes but they held power I guess according to the book, but as beautiful as they were to look at they brought her way to much attention from an evil witch that wanted to destroy her. The same is true when you step into the light of God. God with his beauty is good and perfect and wants nothing but good. And like the promise of the Ruby Slippers of a way home so does God give that picture, he offers a way home. Whe...