Time Spent, Life Storms Series
Over the last five years or so, I have spent my spare time, what little there is, I have written five books. Each one is a work of love and spent in hard labor. Not many people realize what it is to sit down and write a book, novel, manuscript, what ever you want to call it. It is much more than writing words down on a page. I found after writing the first book, which is Eye of the Storm, meant baring my soul. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, especially when it came to the intimate scenes. I found myself after many attempts, closing my eyes and looking into the room in which the character were. Planting myself in a corner and playing out the scene. I put my fingers on the keyboard and started to write. I had torn the scene out multiple times and thought I would never get it written as I wanted it. Not all love scenes are jump into the bedroom and let it happen. This one was particularly difficult as the characters were both extremely damaged emotionally and mentally. One had lived through being mentally and sexually abused as a young child the other abducted and used in an adult slavery ring in their teens in which left them with partial amnesia. The emotional pain was so great that they blocked it and what was left still haunted them.
Once character turned to alcohol and drugs in which if it had gone on would have destroyed their life, either by actions or by suicide. In the profession I work in I see these types of things but I have also experienced in my own family, in this I fine that I am an expert in the way the story is told.
All of the books that have been written this far are the stories of first responders or is in the medical field somehow. I am a Registered Nurse and have been a Critical Care Nurse since 1984. In that time I have also worked the Emergency Room and the medical floor, but most of my career has been in the Critical Care Unit. These books reflect the medical side of me along with the human side. It is my wish to get them in your hands to enjoy.
You can find three of the five books on Amazon.com under Teresa L. Arrowood
Look for further books in the future
Once character turned to alcohol and drugs in which if it had gone on would have destroyed their life, either by actions or by suicide. In the profession I work in I see these types of things but I have also experienced in my own family, in this I fine that I am an expert in the way the story is told.
All of the books that have been written this far are the stories of first responders or is in the medical field somehow. I am a Registered Nurse and have been a Critical Care Nurse since 1984. In that time I have also worked the Emergency Room and the medical floor, but most of my career has been in the Critical Care Unit. These books reflect the medical side of me along with the human side. It is my wish to get them in your hands to enjoy.
You can find three of the five books on Amazon.com under Teresa L. Arrowood
Look for further books in the future
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