Hello, everyone. It's good to be up and going today. Hope all is well with you. Just wanted to give you a quick update on my coming release. I should be getting it back today from the editor and will more than likely have it up on e-book this week and the paperback sometime within the next week or so for those of you who like to have a book in hand.
As for the story behind On Desert Sands, I have written several about other career paths, but I chose to write this one about a military officer and his not so jump in with both feet companion. Neither of them has had a smooth ride. Sara Crowder met and married young the love of her life. She wasn't counting on being a war widow at such an early age. Out of convenience she met and married a police officer that she found turned out to be cruel and above the law. After two failed marriages it was time to cash it in. On a whim, she is set up by her friends on a blind date. We know most blind dates do not go well and hers was no exception.
Adam Grant is home from leave and would rather go back to a hot shower and bed, but his friends have insisted on him meeting a young woman whom they have set him up. To keep the peace he agrees and shows up to the venue where she has stood him up.
It gets pretty crazy, and there are a lot of turns and twists in this romance, one that will keep you guessing.


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