True Love Waits
I guess you could say I was raised old fashion. I suppose you would say that I was sheltered. When I was a teen, sex was still considered taboo, and you didn't discuss it with your mother or friends. Then again some girls were still considered fast when I grew up in the 80's. See I told you I was sheltered.
Put it this way. It wasn't necessarily biblical, but more of a self-respect and upholding the family name that kept you from doing things that could ruin your life not to mention could end it. It was the beginning of the Aids epidemic, and people were not as quick to jump into bed with someone. When it came to morals, I had them. I was scared into some of them, but I had them, not to mention I do grow up in a nondenominational church. It isn't that those things didn't happen. They did. I remember several of the girls I graduated with being pregnant with their first child and some with their second. Now I don't say that as looking down on them so don't get me wrong. I am using this as an illustration only so don't quit reading. In the light these young women had their families early they also had problems with relationships and had a difficult time raising their families.
In God's plan sex outside of marriage is wrong. The reason being is that the marriage bed is sacred and should be honored. Marriage according to God's word should be pure and honorable and is meant to be for life.
The commitment made by both men and women is to remain sexually pure until they are married and it should stay between the two of them. If this happens outside of marriage, it can cause jealousy, alienation, and violence along with disease. It also gives stability in the home for raising your children. Children are like a sponge they soak up the environment, so they learn what they see every day. If children see lack of respect to either parent, they will grow up thinking that it is ok to mistreat and to take advantage of the opposite gender.
Purity is something to be guarded and cherished and not made fun of. It is the mix of love and commitment that makes a good and Godly marriage work. Many things can tear a relationship apart, and therefore it needs a good foundation. Without God as the foundation the chances of your house sinking into the sand are high.
For those of you that are single and for those of you that are wondering if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Stop and think. Is it worth it? Is it worth throwing it away? This is who you are. No one deserves you and the whole you more than your soul mate.
Now, let me say this. No one is perfect; I get that. In God's eye, we are made in his image and should remain holy and pure as we are the temple of God. Regardless of what others think he still loves us.
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