
Showing posts from September, 2017

Having Gifts Differing

I sit here writing this post not knowing what is going to come from my fingertips. I also haven't come up with a title, but for some reason, I am being compelled to write this post. By the time I finish this, I hope to have one. I guess you could say it's the writer in me that longs to sit down and do nothing but to write. I have often wondered what it would be like to sit down and do nothing but write something, anything, that people would want to read. That other would be panting at the thought to be able to read something I have written and left them wanting more. In essence, that is what any writer wants.       I have as of late, sat down and opened my Kindle to read the many books I have loaded and started to read the fabulous works of fiction. There are many authors I follow, and I am not ashamed that some of the stories I know are living something different than I. That's the point right? The idea is to take the reader on a journey so that they get caught...

True Love Waits

         I guess you could say I was raised old fashion. I suppose you would say that I was sheltered . When I was a teen, sex was still considered taboo, and you didn't discuss it with your mother or friends. Then again some girls were still considered fast when I grew up in the 80's. See I told you I was sheltered .      Put it this way. It wasn't necessarily biblical, but more of a self-respect and upholding the family name that kept you from doing things that could ruin your life not to mention could end it. It was the beginning of the Aids epidemic, and people were not as quick to jump into bed with someone. When it came to morals, I had them. I was scared into some of them, but I had them, not to mention I do grow up in a nondenominational church. It isn't that those things didn't happen. They did. I remember several of the girls I graduated with being pregnant with their first child and some with their second. Now I don't say...