
Showing posts from January, 2014

Love is never love without pain

“My daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.” ― Nicholas Sparks , The Notebook     No truer words were ever written or heart felt than what is penned by Nicholas Sparks in The Notebook. One of my favorite movies. I love a good book and especially one that make an even better movie. Of course my husband is not into what I call a good sappy love story, he calls it chick lit. However you put it together it is a wonderful story that is true to life.     Recently I tried my own hand at writing. I have to say a lot of pain went into the writing of it. There has to be a love for it and I believe you have to be born into it. As much as I like writing a good story its a hard sale. If you do not know the in and outs of publishing it makes it increasingly difficult to get your story out there. For months I have been struggling with the fact that it doesn...