
Showing posts from December, 2013

Baby it's Cold Outside

    One of the most memorable Christmas songs for me, and today it's true. It's cold out and the snow has been falling since early morning. The sun is out bright and shinning now, but snow this time of the year is magical. It brings memories of Christmas long past. As a child it was one of the most magical things I can remember.     Christmas always found me having difficulty sleeping the night before. These days I have difficulty sleeping for other reasons other than waiting up for Santa. Most of the time it is from physical pain or just not being able to hut down the thought process. Certainly as a child we had much less to worry about. If it were just the mere thoughts of what Santa was bringing  life would be much simpler.     This year has been much different for me. With aging my body , even though mentally I feel like I am still a kid, my body tells me differently. From the worries of work  and lack of for my husband the co...

Christmas and Writing.

     This time of the year is unbelievably busy. Of course if you are Santa or an elf it is worse, but for me it has been increasingly getting more difficult to keep everything going as it should. In the midst of the Holiday season it has been hard to hold down a full time job, fight with a college on credits for graduation with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and try to find time to decorate for the Christmas holiday and still have time to shop and to write. It has been maddening.     I am close to finishing my second Novel and hope to have it to a publisher by the first of the year. Assuredly it is going to be a struggle and with the impatience that I have it's worse. For a women that has never had any patience, being born two months early hasn't changed. I am still impatient and I have a problem I have found with control. I like control, obviously something I hadn't realized until recently. I also like the thought of success and seem to chase what e...